Physical Therapy Details
Often, physical therapy is discussed during the most challenging times in your life. Injuries, surgeries, and illness can be a very big road block, but Limitless Physical Therapy can help get you back on your feet, and help you through these tough times.
Dr. Katie completed her training at The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2018 with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. She then went on to direct an outpatient physical therapy clinic for many years. Katie has also provided medical coverage for many high school sports, mainly football, for the last 3 years. From sideline to post-surgery, Katie has been able to lend a hand when it is needed most.
Here are some of the diagnoses that physical therapy can assist with
Post surgery
Post injury
General pain in a joint, back, neck, etc.
Katie has worked closely with an innumerable amount of physicians to provide the best plan of care for each patient. We are excited to bring physical therapy to Ft. Gibson, and continue building this medical community.
Katie would be happy to evaluate you, and assess if physical therapy is right for you. Please call/email us to discuss your options. Payment and scheduling can be discussed with you at that time.